
Quotes (灬╹ω╹灬)

Những câu nói hay trong tiểu thuyết, phim ảnh, bài hát mà tớ yêu thích.


52. When you’re ugly and someone loves you, it means they love you for who you are. (Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2)

51.  Sometimes, the thing you’ve been looking for your whole life is right there beside you all along. (Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2)

50. He may have been your father, Quill, but he wasn’t your daddy. (Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2)

49. Khi yêu không cần tính toán nhiều. Đã yêu là phải yêu hết mình. Cho dù người ấy có không đáp lại, cũng luôn nguyện đứng ở phía sau cổ vũ, giúp đỡ. (Trạch Thiên Ký)

48. That son of a bitch brought the war to us two years ago. Jesus, Alfred, count the dead… thousands of people. What’s next? Millions? He has the power to wipe out the entire human race, and if we believe there’s even a one percent chance that he is our enemy we have to take it as an absolute certainty… and we have to destroy him. (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice)

47. There was a time above… a time before… there were perfect things… diamond absolutes. But things fall… things on earth. And what falls… is fallen. In the dream, it took me to the light. A beautiful lie. (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice)

46. You know how we’re always saying what a pain you are, you’re the world’s worst dog, don’t believe it, don’t believe it for one minute because you know we couldn’t find a better dog, I love you, more than anything, you’re a great dog, I love you. (Marley And Me)

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